美国OTC市场日本烟草(ADR)股票所在的烟草行业中,整体跌幅为1.23%。其相关个股中,22Nd Century Group, Inc、Turning Point Brands, Inc.、菲利普莫里斯涨幅较大,22Nd Century Group, Inc、Greenlane Holdings, Inc.、Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc.较为活跃,换手率分别为3.11%、2.54%、1.23%,振幅较大的相关个股有22Nd Century Group, Inc、Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc.、Greenlane Holdings, Inc.,振幅分别为5.91%、5.41%、4.22%。
美国OTC市场日本烟草(ADR)公司简介:Japan Tobacco is the third-largest tobacco company globally. It owns a rich brand portfolio including Winston (non-U.S.), Camel (non-U.S.), and Mevius, and holds leading shares in many core markets including Japan, Russia, and the U.K. It has added Logic as a vaping brand and Ploom/PloomTech heated tobacco lines into its reduced-risk-product portfolio. The tobacco business contributes 90% of group sales and nearly all profits, with more than half generated by JTI, the overseas tobacco arm. JTI was created through the acquisition of R.J. Reynolds' non-U.S. operations in 1999 and further expanded through multiple acquisitions, of which the purchase of Gallaher in 2007 was the most notable, doubling JTI’s sales. Pharmaceutical and processed food operations are the other businesses.