北京时间2024年12月13日22时46分,美国OTC市场Brother Industries Adr-Each Cnv Into 2 Ord Npv(BRTHY.us)股票出现波动,股价快速下跌5.47%。截至发稿,该股报35.68美元/股,成交量212股,换手率0.00%,振幅0.00%。
美国OTC市场Brother Industries Adr-Each Cnv Into 2 Ord Npv股票所在的工程机械行业中,整体跌幅为0.21%。其相关个股中,君长数码、阿卡西亚、Core & Main, Inc.涨幅较大,Core & Main, Inc.、Ferguson Enterprises Inc.、布鲁林克斯较为活跃,换手率分别为0.19%、0.08%、0.07%,振幅较大的相关个股有Heramba Electric Plc、Core & Main, Inc.、布鲁林克斯,振幅分别为11.21%、6.70%、4.47%。
美国OTC市场Brother Industries Adr-Each Cnv Into 2 Ord Npv公司简介:Brother Industries Ltd is engaged in the manufacture and sale of office equipment and supplies. The company offers products such as printing equipment, home sewing machines, industrial sewing machines, machine tools, and online karaoke/content-delivery systems. The group consists of five segments, Printing and Solutions; Personal and Home; Machinery and Solution; Network and Contents; and Industrial Part.