
财大金融硕士 ,宏观经济、海运行业分析师

    • 青岛海边一名有爱的分析师青岛海边一名有爱的分析师

      Dance with the FED

      No doubt that closing indices of DJI , SP500, Nasdaq sweep the popping screens and hit headlines of Newspapers. The The backgournd on the stage changed suddenly and Manhattan’s sunlight finally shed on the gloomy Wall street.The heavy dose operation nearly shaked all dices on the table, regardless of the cards at hand. India - Modi announced lockdown across India for 21days last night , you can imagine how bad the situation is there.US : New York is now the center of huricane , in huge shortage of medical care and seeking imports to facilitate.Transportation: Supply chain across Asia / Europend / US are almost halted in both air and land traffic; Ocean carriers experiencing huge cancellation ratio of cargoes and Airline freight still in disaster …However, the financial market itself tells
      Dance with the FED
    • 青岛海边一名有爱的分析师青岛海边一名有爱的分析师


      2020/3/24盘前,美联储公布了一系列旨在释放流动性的救市措施,包括本周每天都将购买750亿美元的国债和500亿美元的机构住房抵押贷款支持证券(MBS),承诺无限期购买资产以支持市场。地表最强央行能否力挽狂澜,将美国金融市场从疫情的泥沼中拯救出来 ? 市场会给出答案,下面是笔者继3.20日对美国Cov9确诊人数与道琼斯指数性相关性分析后,结合美联储最新举措,对未来市场的几点看法:首先,美联储此次刺激计划,官网资料部分截取如下(文末附网址) :"Effective March 23, 2020, the Federal Open Market Committee directs the Desk to undertake open market operations as necessary to maintain the federal funds rate in a target range of 0 to 1/4 percent. The Committee directs the Desk to increase the System Open Market Account holdings of Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in the amounts needed to support the smooth functioning of markets for Treasury securities and agency MBS. The Committee also directs the Desk to include purchases of agency commercial mortgage-backed securities in its agenc
