
    • sadsamsadsam
      $AMC院线(AMC)$ Putting out 9-13 tonight as soon as I figure out how to share it LolThis will be added to to include more examples and live videos as soon as i get my domain figured outOne of the wonderful apes put it all fancy for me but its way beyond my computer skills now$AMC Stay tuned
    • sadsamsadsam
      $特斯拉(TSLA)$ SPX closed at another record. Equities still attractive at 21x 2022 EPS = 4.94% earnings yield vs 1.26% 10yr TY. That 3.7% spread between equities and bonds compares to an avg 2.4% spread since 1977 and would rank in the cheapest 1/3 of valuations over the past 40 years. $tsla
    • sadsamsadsam
      $Zoom(ZM)$ Thinking about doing a 1 hours Zoom $ZM session to answer questions and help you traders that are struggling. Like and comment if you’re interested!
    • sadsamsadsam
      The same thing happened to Apple . They blew past analyst estimates but stock went down in AH but following day in regular market actual decline was very small while analysts increased the target prices. FB will do the same and go up in the long-term.$Facebook(FB)$
    • sadsamsadsam
      $苹果(AAPL)$ $88 Energy Ltd.(EEENF)$ $EEENF been in finance for 25 years. Best traders I’ve ever been around add to winners and don’t sit and wait for new lows or dips $EEENF will hit dollars. #I will be adding to my position and averaging up. As confident as putting my money in $AAPL.
    • sadsamsadsam
      $RLX Technology(RLX)$ this company has been posting monster quarters….. still great entry point for those on the fence. the country cannot turf its champions for a prolonged period and this is snapping back to 10.
    • sadsamsadsam
      After investing more than 6 months ago, I'm enjoying seeing the new LCID symbol. This will be a great investment for my retirement!$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$
    • sadsamsadsam
      I was in at 2 bucks last year and as very happy to see 16-17 in February and then not so happy to see it in the 5's recently, never sold a share and bought more at 6.5 and believe in a few months or a few years this will be in the 20's or 30's and those that held on will be generously rewarded.$Nano Dimension(NNDM)$
    • sadsamsadsam
      $Orbital Energy Group(OEG)$ Holding this for a long time, and will continue. Now we see a lot of pumpers and bashers flooding in. Stay true to your strategy and DD.  That being said, if this goes ridiculus high, It’s probably smart to sell some shares, and buy back later. Never wrong taking profit, and sudden extreme rise, will be followed by a drop. 
