$SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$Just remember that it took 10 months (Jan 21- Oct 21) for SIA to finally get out of the $4 range price point. Those who went in at $4+, they have dealt with major fluctuations for 10 months, but was ultimately rewarded when the price finally stabilised around $5 in October. Similarly, it will take awhile for the situation to stabilise. It may be painful now but if you back out and when it reaches $6 in 10 months, won’t you regret? Play the long game my friends.
$SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$Flights to London will be opened on 18 Nov, Flights to Malaysia will be opened on 29 Nov. Flights to several countries are even available — South Korea, Germany, etc. It will be about time that this stock takes off. Buy now while it is still on discount, hold for the long game.