
Newbie onroad

    • nameless927nameless927
      Great article on SAAS companies!!! 

      百花齐放,新财季美股SaaS公司业绩哪家强? —Adobe业绩解读

      导读: 根据 Gartner 的预测,预计在 2021 年,全球终端用户在公共云服务上的支出将在 2020 年的 2700 亿美元基础上增长 23%,达到 3320 亿美元,云计算领域正在迎来后疫情时代的红利爆发期。 在上一期的美股财报分析文章中,我们对美股云计算IaaS行业进行了深度的分析,对于亚马逊AWS、微软Azure、谷歌智能云等进行了深入的分析,而本文将聚焦于市场空间更大、行业细分更多的SaaS领域,作为美股十年长牛的中最闪亮的星,云计算SaaS板块牛股辈出。图Atlassian(Team)月线图 新季度美股SaaS行业总体的业绩情况如何?有哪些新的趋势值得关注?又有哪些未来的潜在巨头正在显现?云计算行业发展加速-SaaS应用遍地开花,加速成长我们列举市值超过150亿美金的典型SaaS应用公司如下表所示,从市值排序来看,Adobe是目前最大的云计算SaaS公司,市值接近3000亿,而赛富时紧随其后,市值2796亿,电商 $inContact(SAAS)$ 龙头$Shopify Inc(SHOP)$市值第三,其他超过千亿的云计算SaaS公司还包括财捷(INTU)、serviceNow(NOW)、Atlassian(TEAM),美股的SaaS公司所涉及的领域众多,伴随数据的爆发式增长,云计算SaaS应用正呈现出百花齐放的态势。表 美股云计算SaaS行业部分龙头个股 从业绩的角度来看,最新一季度SaaS龙头企业的增速在后疫情时代并未放缓,并呈现出加速的趋势,具体参见下表:表 美股云计算SaaS行业部分龙头新财季营收及净利润增速&n
      百花齐放,新财季美股SaaS公司业绩哪家强? —Adobe业绩解读
    • nameless927nameless927
      Let's see how it gonna roll
    • nameless927nameless927
      Tencent, baba come on!! 

      Tencent started repurchasing AGAIN, and she never missed!

      $Tencent (00700) $ announced the eanigns report for 21Q2 on Wednesday. The performance is stable and strong, however, it is difficult to find the support of stock price. The good news is that Tencent started its fourth repurchase after the mobile Internet era. Looking back, her every repurchaseturns out to be "a golden buying point". IPO-2014 Before 2014, Tencent was in the "QQ time", while the Internet was still in 2G and 3G, and the mobile Internet had not yet come. Sufferred in the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 and the European debt crisis in 2011, there was a global "reverse tide", so Tencent continued to buy back in those days. 2014-present In 2014, Tencent also ushered in the "WeChat era", and the mobile has&
      Tencent started repurchasing AGAIN, and she never missed!
    • nameless927nameless927
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?
      Gems in the volatility of Chinese markets In order to understand how to profit from the volatility in the Chinese market due to Government regulations, we must first understand the reason why US investors shy away from the heavily regulated Chinese market. The primary reason is fear that in order to protect the government sovereignty of the country, government regulations might hinder the growth and profit of Chinese companies such as DIDI and BABA . Usually in environments where there are less scrutiny and less regulations, companies are able to experiment and grow at a much faster rate. The regulations are never seen in a fantastic light for companies and start ups that are looking for massive growth and profit. As a result, investors are often spooked when news of tighter regulations im
      Gems in the volatility of Chinese markets In order to understand how to profit from the volatility in the Chinese market due to Government regulations, we must first understand the reason why US investors shy away from the heavily regulated Chinese market. The primary reason is fear that in order to protect the government sovereignty of the country, government regulations might hinder the growth and profit of Chinese companies such as DIDI and BABA . Usually in environments where there are less scrutiny and less regulations, companies are able to experiment and grow at a much faster rate. The regulations are never seen in a fantastic light for companies and start ups that are looking for massive growth and profit. As a result, investors are often spooked when news of tighter regulations im
    • nameless927nameless927
      Great compilation 

      🏆 Posts of the Week (Aug 16 - Aug 20)

      Roarrr!!! Dear Tigees 🐯, Welcome to our new column: Posts of the Week! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Our purpose of this column is to encourage more tigees to actively join our discussion in the community and improve together! As you know, we have many tigees who love to share thoughts, opinions and discuss trading insights with others by writing posts & articles. Therefore, in this column, we select 🔥 the best English posts/articles 🔥once a week, and share them with all tigees in the community! About the Rewards: Tigees whose posts get selected will be given 1,000 Tiger coins each! 💰💰💰💰 Top Posts of this Week Congratulations to all these tigees! 👏👏👏 Let's take a look at their posts, and welcome to
      🏆 Posts of the Week (Aug 16 - Aug 20)
    • nameless927nameless927
      Great and brief summary for front end of semicon supply chain
    • nameless927nameless927
      China concept stock battered down heavily. Opportunity? 


      7月23日,热门中概股普跌,贝壳跌超22%,滴滴跌超17%,逸仙电商跌超14%、哔哩哔哩、360数科跌超11%,每日优鲜跌超9%,叮咚买菜、拼多多跌超5%,蔚来、小鹏汽车与百度跌超4%,阿里巴巴跌超3%。 高途、好未来、新东方盘中依旧“颓废”,晚间新东方、一起教育科技等多家机构作出回应:网传“规定”尚未公布,公司并未收到通知。 同时,晚间摩根大通将好未来目标价从70美元降至7.6美元,评级从中性降至减持;摩根大通将高途评级从中性降至减持,目标价从37美元降至3.5美元。
    • nameless927nameless927
      NVDIA go go go
    • nameless927nameless927
      Highlight of the week ~ happy reading ~


      嗨,虎友们好~这里是老虎社区每周更新的栏目“老虎周刊”。 “老虎周刊”精选老虎社区虎友们一周精华写作,希望对您的投资有所助力。 最好发现认识志同道合的虎友,一起投资一起成长。感谢虎友们支持,祝您投资顺利! 下面进入一周榜单: 2021年上半年港股打新年化收益仅28%,还值得参与吗? 发布者:@新股之火 这半年港股打新行情,恐怕是近三年最差的半年,如果运气不好,甚至可能亏损。现在让我们来看看数据统计的情况,毕竟数据不会骗人。 另外,也对于打新市场的变化说说个人的看法。 如何通过比较的方法进行投资? 发布者:@cxj 如果你在看形态选股:主升浪>抄底>反弹 如果你在看概念选股:龙头>龙二>跟风 如果你在看基本面选股:增速快的>体量大的>什么也没有的 如果你在看行业选股:新兴行业>稳定行业>夕阳行业 浅谈美股六大军工股 发布者:@红心扎克 进入对抗时代,谁将成为美股最强板块?
