$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Those who bought Tesla above $1000, be ready to suffer huge lossesin 2022 as FED will be tapering and raising interest rates in 2022. Tesla may not even see $800-1000 ever again in next decade once FED taper. You guys do realise Tsla able to hit $1000 is because of FED montary policy in 2020-2021 right? Else its a $300-400 stock. FEDhave pumped in during the pandemic with excessive money causing big tech stocks to be overvalued by at least 40-50%. Now they shutting the money printing. It is only natural that Tesla goes back down to $400-500. Afterall even at $500 shareprice, it have already priced in 50% year on year growth till 2030.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Days to cover for shorts is in the 3.15-3.3 range. This is at a year time high. Check the buy to sell ratio for trading days, with buys far outnumbering sells. Then ck the % of trades routed through dark pools. This will give u a clear picture of what's been going on. Meanwhile Apes continue to buy and hold strong✊
$STI ETF(ES3.SI)$ UOBKH believe that the STI will continue to perform well in 2022. Singapore’s strong GDP growth in 2021 has set the stage for a 29% EPS growth in 2022 on our estimates. Importantly, the STI’s valuations are not stretched at present, trading at 2022F PE and P/B of 13.2x and 1.1x respectively and paying a yield of over 4%. Our year-end 2022 target for the STI is 3,500.https://alphaedgeinvesting.com/