
Never know what comes your way

    • QueenLTQueenLT
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      $Snap Inc(SNAP)$ 股价持续下跌,近两个月股价已经接近腰斩,昨日股价再次下跌, 目前已经到了布林线下轨,如果继续下跌将会形成新的下跌趋势。目前处于周线级别下跌通道,谨慎为主。异动期权距离到期日大约一个月,溢价1%。$SNAP 20220114 53.0 PUT$ $辉瑞(PFE)$ 辉瑞最近股价持续向上,目前处于主升浪之中,近五日涨幅达18%,最近走势有加速趋势。英国研究公司Airfinity的一项分析显示,辉瑞公司明年将主导约200亿美元的全球新冠药物市场,原因是发达国家2022年将争相购买新冠药物,而欠发达国家却不得不等到2023年初,才能让仿制药公司大量生产新冠药物。 辉瑞公司此前表示,其实验性抗新冠药物Paxlovid使高危新冠患者的住院和死亡风险减少89%。这将有助于辉瑞在新冠疫苗和特效药两大领域,均保持绝对领先优势。 根据Airfinity的数据,预计到2022年, Paxlovid将为辉瑞带来约170亿美元的收入。而默沙东预计,该公司的Molnupiravir药物明年将获得约25亿美元的收入。 异动期权下周五到期,溢价5%。 $PFE 20211223 63.0 CALL$
    • QueenLTQueenLT
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      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • QueenLTQueenLT
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      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • QueenLTQueenLT

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • QueenLTQueenLT
      Nice event

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • QueenLTQueenLT
    • QueenLTQueenLT
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      【中秋活动】TIGER TO THE MOON

      今天是中秋节!想邀请玩个小游戏,我们将以下的6张图片随机放到了6个帖子中,每找到1个即可获赠66虎币,全部找到的小虎可以获得666虎币。【参与方式】 我们将在不同的帖子或新闻里放以上指定的6张图片 找到图片的人可以在对应的帖子留言: TIGER TO THE MOON(如下图)集齐6张后,需要在本贴下方评论区留言:TIGER TO THE MOON Tips:一定要记得留言哦,要不然我们没办法统计到你,个股页面上面的显眼的地方更有机会发现哦~ 【活动时间】 9月21日-9月22日 【活动奖品】 每找到1个图片并留言“ TIGER TO THE MOON”即可获赠66虎币,全部找到并本贴下方评论区留言TIGER TO THE MOON的虎友可以获得666虎币,除此之外,我们还会给最快集齐的虎友赠送老虎限量版月球灯一个$老虎证券(TIGR)$
      【中秋活动】TIGER TO THE MOON
    • QueenLTQueenLT
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?
      My support & resistance box drawing with $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ I just learnt that instead of drawing lines, it's much better to use boxes to do S & R analysis. With boxes, it becomes an area/zone that is much clearer to see & no need to wait for the stock price to arrive at that "uncertain S/R line" So below is how I interpret from support & resistance boxes for PLTR: I have drawn 5 purple boxes, as you can see from the white chart. As clearly shown, the price is hovering around 26.55 So, let's take the nearest two S & R rectangle boxes from that price -- which is the box at around 28.00 & the box below that. The box below the current price of 26.55 has
      My support & resistance box drawing with $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ I just learnt that instead of drawing lines, it's much better to use boxes to do S & R analysis. With boxes, it becomes an area/zone that is much clearer to see & no need to wait for the stock price to arrive at that "uncertain S/R line" So below is how I interpret from support & resistance boxes for PLTR: I have drawn 5 purple boxes, as you can see from the white chart. As clearly shown, the price is hovering around 26.55 So, let's take the nearest two S & R rectangle boxes from that price -- which is the box at around 28.00 & the box below that. The box below the current price of 26.55 has
    • QueenLTQueenLT


      聊聊今日份的交易想法,包括对于大盘走势后续的看法?看涨/看跌哪只股票、晒晒单等等。 港股市场 9月10日讯,港股三大指数集体高开,恒指涨0.6%报25870点,国指涨0.64%报9241点,恒生科技指数涨0.89%报6618点。 盘面上,燃气、铝等能源板块继续强势,昆仑能源、中国铝业均涨超3%;教育股反弹,药品股、体育用品股、物管股、濠赌股普涨,昨日大跌的科技股集体高开,$网易-S(09999)$ 涨3%,$百度集团-SW(09888)$ 、$京东集团-SW(09618)$ 、$腾讯控股(00700)$ 皆升超2%;建材水泥股、电力股、中资券商股普跌,$海螺创业(00586)$ 低开2.4%。$海伦司(09869)$ 上市首日开涨超16%。 美股市场 美股创下连续第4天下跌,创下12周以来的最长连续跌势,投资者难以在仍很火爆的就业市场和急剧上升的新冠感染病例之间做出平衡。确诊病例激增削弱了经济增长的势头。美股三大股指早盘一度上扬,但随后很快转而下跌:道琼斯指数收盘下跌0.43%,标普500指数收盘下跌0
    • QueenLTQueenLT
