For all the 📄 🙌. Read this before you thinkabout selling.
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$I’m reading everyone’s posts and find it very amusing that everyone keeps thinking they have been played bythe company. It would not stand the CEO of the company toscrew around with the share price when he owns 12% of the shares. Do you think he wants the price to go down or up? The reason we are experiencing this downturnin pricing is due to a few factors. 1) TRCH before the merger was a sub $1 company that was on the brink of bankruptcy due to poor cash flow management sitting on huge assets. It turned into a meme stock becauseof the huge short position on the company and rightly so at that point in time. 2) When TRCH did the RTO with MMAT, someof the shorts carried on instead of pulling out like some of the other shirt holders (hence the quick spike to almost $20) ,thinking that they could continue to make bank by continuing the short selling, which explains why the short position when down to 30% before spiking up now to almost 50%. 3) During this merger, the number of shares was also reduced because of the RS making it difficult it more difficult to cover. So the shorts decided to go another route which is to push the price down further to make retail sell cheap in fear. 4) During the issuing of TRCH dividends, a lot of other brokerage houses are still dealing with how to handle the pref shares. Brokerage houses like WeBull and TD America to date havenot issued out the pref share placeholders 5) Market overall is pulling back as money is being taken off the table and cycled into cash and bonds as the fear of a global economic downturn is creeping in. Hence, all growth stocks inclusive of MMAT will experience price pull back. 6) Most importantly, this isn’t a casino, no matter what they say on WSB. The chances of a squeeze is strong, but not necessarily going to happen, so if you’re thinking that you’re going to see instant gains you’re WRONG! If you want instant gains, go to a REAL casino and bet on red or black. You’ll know in 30 secs whether you double your money. You all may not like the opinions that I express above, but this is as honest as it’s going to get. I can give you some consolation in telling you that I’m holding onto 1,400 shares of MMAT at an average price of 7.32 and I’m not selling because the company is worth holding for the long term and the chances of a shorts being squeezed near term is still very high. Don’t panic. Hold what you have. And set your sell alertsfor double what you paid is the best advise I can give you all right now.
