Thoughts after reading this:

1. Is the pie not big enough for all players to share? I think the pie is not growing fast enough for the big boys at their current slice. Shareholders demand for faster and larger growth and executives have to deliver (their bonuses at stake). Is this positive? Maybe. Asa shareholder I benefit from revenue growth and increasing margins. But could this be mutually destructive and lead to low/no growth for all parties? Time will tell.

2. The article paints Microsoft as the weaker of the pair, trying to elbow for more space at the table. It is at the mercy of Google’s adtech dominance and has to run to papa to complain. No one likes a tattletale.. Is this an accurate reflection of the situation? Maybe, if we were just looking at the advertising/search engine sector. Who uses bing?😂

3. Innovation drives growth. If the product ismiles ahead of the closest competitor, businesses or consumers will use it. Why settle for second-best (other than a huge cost disparity)? Sometimes, complaining is a symptom that your product is unable or will never be able to beat the competition. I hope this bickering about anti-competitive practices is not reflective of the broader state of innovation in the big tech companies. 

4. Lobbying is a large, seldom mentioned, yet crucial  aspect of big business. This news article could even be paid for by Microsoft - as lobbying extends to media. Government actors are just that - actors - making their moves as the hidden hand behind them directs. Scary, isn’t it…






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