[Global Xpress] Deeper Look into Asia Semiconductor Companies: China & Japan Companies | Global X ETFs Hong Kong
[For Hong Kong Investors Only]
With the recent performance of Asian semiconductor companies providing new impetus to the global stock market, Global X Asia Semiconductor ETF (3119) seeks to invest in Asian companies involved in semiconductor production and development, including companies in the foundries, packaging, testing, and semiconductor production equipment industries.
Global X ETFs Hong Kong invites ETF Specialist Gloria Mak Sze Man and our Senior Investment Analyst Edward CHAN Tsz Wang to discuss the following:
00:33 - #Japan #Semiconductor Industry Overview
00:55 - Why #Japan #Semiconductor companies are doing well?
01:47 - #China #Semiconductors development progress
02:31 - #China's #Semiconductor share in displays
Explore the Global X Asia Semiconductor ETF (3119) and its risk factors: https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/campaign/ai-etfs/
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