I don’t think that I am the only one who had searched for Earnest n got to know that “Mr Earnest” was surely a scammer. (I mean, if Mr Earnst was not too busy with Morgan Stanleyish stuff etc n bothered to interact with retail traders like us then that’s a different story)
I was thinking that “daxx I graduated from NTU HSS this thing isn’t going to fool me mate”. I observed for a while and started to try a bit /received some earning with those “insider tips”. since he said that the company would go public on the 26 Dec-I was thinking ”oh, okay let’s play till early December, if his company turned out to be miraculously real I don’t mind investing a bit, regardless what kinda ways he ”attracted me” in the first place. I should have been totally alarmed when 60% of profit was mentioned but I might be “too contented with the pitty earning/I was obviously being too smart a “student” under him. to cut the story short, what I have learnt from this is that, never think that we are ultra smart or we are fated to be rich my trading comrades here.- there is no short cut in trading, and not in life too in a greater sense. I see it as an expensive yet valuable lesson don’t you think so?
another thing I wanna mention here is how did these scammers got to know our contact? I suspect that they were in fact working with many of the Brokagea too. I somewhat remember receiving an email asking for one of my Brokages asking if am keen to join their interest group n was invited to leave my telegram acct. it seemed quite unusual and then I was added into this telegram group after a month or two. I mean, capital market has always been shady from the very start, if we are not Elon musk etc who can influence stock price with a tweet or two, the more ideal way is to do our own study n due diligence etc. Again, there is never short cut in life, at least not for me.
dear friends welcome to follow me n talk to me and let’s learn from each other. what’s past is the prologue. I look forward to interacting n learning from you all.