May sound like a broken record by now. Started my investment journey as a student in feb 2021, at the ATH of many hype tickers such as ARK funds etc. It all went downhill from there. Kept averaging down to no avail. I do believe in the innovation and possibility of rebound/recovery so I am still holding on and not panic selling (what a rollercoaster!!!)
Lesson learnt. Have to do due diligience and not follow others blindly. Not get tempted by the hype and gravy train when others post their extremely high returns and fomo in. Being more cautious and adopt a more wait and see attitude.
Choose more fundamentally sound companies, those that I have some understanding of, or businesses with great potential and future that I can envision. With information and thus conviction, I will not sell regardless of how bad the dips (unless the prospects change due to new developments) are as markets can be irrational in the short term (some stuff are just out of our control).
Hoping for a better 2022!!!
- Lao Tzu Ang·2021-12-10Go YouTube, watch great investors trading strategies before you continue to trade more.点赞举报