$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Why worry that it is dropping? Within 5years, Tesla will definitely hit 3T market cap. I will just keep buying. 800 I buy, 600 I buy, 1000 I also buy.
- MatthewWalter·2021-12-16Buy the dip moment is $900 then we go to $ 1200. At that point, Tesla could split its stock and make more money点赞举报
- LeilaLynch·2021-12-16Noticed that the we were getting bearish a few weeks ago, easy technical analysis lead me to a price target of 940 for the newer future, my puts are doing great. Remember: tsla always gives it back点赞举报
- BorisBack·2021-12-16Tesla is perfectly positioned for a fast and furious large rally begging as of right now.Please take advantage of opportunities that should make money at least in the short term点赞举报
- CyrilDavy·2021-12-16That was scary and happy to say I added heavy on the huge dip. Thank you FED Tards we folks with skin in the game can always count on you to screw everyone else. Go TESLA!!!点赞举报
- BaronLyly·2021-12-16Tesla will rise, and Musk's sale to pay the sale order has put pressure on the stock. However, in the long run, Tesla stock still has great potential.点赞举报
- CatherineGunter·2021-12-16Who bought the fall is a genius short, who did Tesla is always burned alive.This will be the best stock in 2022!点赞举报
- MyrnaNorth·2021-12-16Are people betting against Tesla again? When will they learn?Short sellers may offer a cautionary tale点赞举报
- FranklinMorley·2021-12-16Trading right now will be at every wise individual list. In few weeks you will be ecstatic with the decision you make today点赞举报
- CL.Y·2021-12-15DCA is the best strategy点赞举报