有人辞官归故里,有人星夜赶科场。 经历重重考验好不容易才远赴美国上市的滴滴,这才半年光景,就要退市了,这真是屁股都没坐热乎就下来了啊。 滴滴官方声明,从今天开始要一边着手美股退市,一边申请港股上市。 滴滴官方微博发布 这是DIDI IR 原文说明: “BEIJING--(BUSINESS WIRE)--DiDi Global Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE: DIDI), the world’s leading mobility technology platform, today announced that its board of directors (the “Board”) has authorized and supports the Company to undertake the necessary procedures and file the relevant application(s) for the delisting of the Company’s ADSs from the New York Stock Exchange, while ensuring that ADSs will be convertible into freely tradable shares of the Company on another internationally recognized stock exchange at the election of ADS holders. The Company will organize a shareholders meeting to vote on the above matter at an appropriate time in the future, following necessary procedures. The Board has also authorized the Company to pursue a listing of its class A ordinary shares on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.“ 一听说要退市,大伙儿有点慌,尤其是还拿着滴滴股票的股东们,这会儿不知道该怎么处理。 先别慌,据过往大部分中概股退市的经验来看,滴滴有可能也会选择“私有化“的方式。 假如说滴滴也采用了“私有化“的方式,那咱们手里的股票该怎么处理呢?小虎老师简单跟大家科普一下!
