$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ A few months ago when this was in the low 20s, there were those that were saying “It’ll be $12 by the end of next week“ now, when it’s in the $50 range, the same people will be saying “it’ll be $40 by the end of next week“
What I don’t understand is if it reaches $50 or $60 people will be saying “I hope it drops back down to 40s so I can buy more, if you wanna own the stock, just go ahead and buy it and hold it! Yes, there will be weeks when it goes up, and there will be weeks when it goes down, but I’ve got 2000 shares with an average price of $17.23, It’s fun watching it when it goes up, and I go “oh well”, when it goes down a significant amount,
But a few years from now when I finally sell, I’ll be paying almost half in taxes that some of you are going to be paying next year, and the year after that, and day-to-day life is a lot less stressful,…. just buy it and let it go! there’s a LOT of other stocks out there, if you truly don’t like Lucid, go invest in something else! There are plenty of other stocks which go up and down on a regular basis if you like to short, or swing trade,
This company will do well, it’s going to take time to work out all the kinks and really get rolling, but down the road Lucid is going to do well. Good luck, and hang in there to all of those who bought early, and are holding long, we will be the true winners in the end!