26 Dec 2021: US vs China competition. How is China fighting back?
If you have watched the following youtube video that I have circulated recently: https://youtu.be/TCBmvV2MNvA you would have known that I have analysed what China authorities can do to mitigate concerns revolving Chinese tech stocks. I make another statement saying that it is no longer just a pure regulatory point coming from China. In fact, the shortsellers or maybe even US have capitalised on the opportunity to make Chinese assets less credible and attractive. There are now emerging signs that Chinese authorities are aware of this plot given two recent developments since 24 December 2021. I will be posting an update video on regulatory developments in China and do subscribe (and set your notification button) my youtube channel if you would like to be updated. So what has happened these few days? First, China securities regulator has announced explicitly that they are not against variable interest entity ("VIE") structure. So now the pressure is only coming from the US SEC side.. But again, CSRC has indicated several times that they are working to resolve the concerns shown by SEC and that they are in favour of the corporations in China to decide their choice of listing avenues. My youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPWOEQKCpCWmzKkdo7v-iw Another sign is that PBOC has indicated on 25 December 2021 that they continue to support open markets in two directions, meaning that be it supporting the inflows of capital into China, they would also support the outflow of capital from China. What does it mean? To me, I think this is a statement that allowing the local aka domestic investors from China to invest overseas will be allowed. The so called non-chinese media saying that online brokers like Tiger Brokers and Futu will be banned from China may actually be a fake news... Well but you have to know that I am a tiger brokers shareholder and have been adding tiger brokers shares slowly and have since built a decent position in Tiger Brokers. But in the coming week, I will add Tiger Brokers shares more aggressively but nevertheless, will do this as a portfolio management approach to manage my risk. Will I be right in my analysis and prediction? Only time will tell. As always, this should not be construed as any investment or trading advice. If you like my analysis, do support me by subscribing to my youtube channel! THANKS! $老虎证券(TIGR)$ $富途控股(FUTU)$ $腾讯控股(00700)$ $网易(NTES)$ $虎牙(HUYA)$
