If the 5?year projected revenue is 172m. Respectfully I think that is low but let say that is it. Currently pac bio has 100m in revbie and a 5.5b
dollar market cap. Using same numbers we would be at about 6x current price or about 30 dollars. however sequencing is not as widely used as say fish multi array and karyotyping of which bngo replaces all 3. Additionally bngo with this acquisition makes sequencing much easier and user friendly. Bngo will have the ability to place all of the mapping data in a single format needed for the full genome. In other words the sequencers won’t have to run the other three test to get that data and see it right next to the sequences. Bngo will make variants much easier to read and discover. Saphyr will have a ready made market with bio discovery users. Those customers will all have sequencers that they would like bionano to integrate with. The bngo format will be proprietary. Hence bngo becomes a takeover target for the sequencers. Also if Arks analyst has a clue they should buy now $Bionano Genomics(BNGO)$