
$Astra Space(ASTR)$

On October 12, 2021, we announced that a launch window would open on October 27, 2021, for a commercial orbital launch on behalf of the United States

Space Force from the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Kodiak, Alaska (the “Spaceport”). While we are ready to begin launch preparations for LV0007, the

Spaceport has informed us that they have not yet completed some planned improvements for the range. As a result, we will not be able to complete the

preparations for a launch of LV0007 until some time during the second segment of this launch window, beginning November 5, 2021.

Many different factors influence when we can launch, including factors driven by third parties over whom we have no control. We set a launch window to

allow us to evaluate these factors and ensure that conditions are optimal for a launch. As a result, we may not attempt a launch on the first day of a launch

window if conditions are not optimal for a launch. When a launch attempt is scheduled, we will update our website (www.astra.com) with the date and


When we use the phrase “commercial orbital launch”, we mean a launch conducted under an FAA commercial launch license.




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