I can imagine MRK will be increased
😃Very pleased with the MRK results generating a solid beat on revenues of $ 8 Billion and a strong beat of 12.9% or 1.75 vs. !,55 and revenue was 13.1 Billion. The company has a new target of 100 which may be achieved due the the announcement that they are forecasting a 20 million shipment of the new pill during 2022, The stock has a current PE of 13.33. With the earnings already generated they increased their EPS forecast to 5.70 from %.5.52 for this year . a Nice Dividend of $2.60 already in place.
I can imagine this will be increased at the end of year. Quality company with strong results and a dividend of 3.03 %. Rated a strong buy by Doc Najarian on CNBC as his buy of the day this afternoon . I already own a huge position but I am considering another buy as the Future PE is quite low. The average DataBase 52.75 makes this look like a back up the truck buy. 😃 $Merck(MRK)$