
宏桥高科官方账号 定位于“国际贸易行业的专业信息化服务高科技企业”

    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS


      2023年全国海关工作会议提出,全面实施“智关强国”行动,全面推进中国特色社会主义现代化海关建设,要深入践行总书记提出的建设“智慧海关、智能边境、智享联通”重要指示要求,加快建设智慧海关。智慧海关是建设贸易强国、推动高水平开放和高质量发展的基础,应用数字孪生、大数据、物联网等新技术,将智慧海关建设提升到新高度,是赋予海关实现智慧化监管的重要技术。 近日,宏桥高科技集团有限公司(宏桥高科)和某海关共同打造的“综保区智慧口岸数字孪生管理平台”上线运行。 综保区智慧口岸数字孪生管理平台 平台以数字孪生技术架构为核心,围绕当地空港综保区,打造了系列智慧口岸管理的应用体系、指标体系,梳理了137个关键业务指标,形成“1架构+2体系+N指标”的智慧海关监管新模式。 1. 架构 数字孪生技术架构 平台深度融合物联网技术、三维虚拟建模技术、大数据技术,将园区车辆、现场监管设备、业务处理与海关监管部门需求有机结合,通过三维建模技术,还原了机场北国际货运区的全貌。 ■ 采用高性能三维渲染核心,精细还原真实世界场景纹理细节; ■ 多层次、高精度、大场景全尺度还原、大范围时空态势显示; ■ 具备高逼真渲染特效(如高级动态光照、辉光、灯光、白天/黄昏/夜晚、大气、雨雪雾等环境效果),实现影视级实时渲染效果; ■ 利用物联网技术,对接监控摄像头、车牌识别、卡口、地磅等监管设备,真实还原车辆进出卡口的场景及其过卡信息。 2. 体系 应用体系 + 指标体系 平台围绕海关综合保税区,根据客户业务的监管关键点,重点构建了智能视频监控、智能设备报警、仿真环境还原、真实业务还原等4个应用体系。360度全视角查看口岸作业场所的各个重要建筑和场地,使业务处理场景一目了然,无缝对接各个业务系统展示关键业务指标,赋能用户业务应用,实现智能监测、实时感知、智能报警的新型监管模式,有效提升海关监管效率。
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS


      2023年11月24日,广东深圳报关协会携手广东黄埔报关协会在深圳举办了第二届粤港澳大湾区国际关务节。本届关务节以“共享‘一带一路’发展新机遇、共创关务数智化新未来”为主题,深度围绕“关务数字化建设、跨境电商阳光化”两大议题,借助“一带一路”倡议、RCEP政策机遇,助力企业高水平“走出去”。 本次活动吸引了来自全球范围的学者、行业专家和关务领域的企业代表参与,宏桥高科技集团有限公司作为在数字关务领域具有领先地位的企业,也受邀作为承办单位出席了此次活动。在活动中,宏桥高科向全体与会代表分享了公司在数字关务领域的创新与实践成果,并与现场专家深入探讨了数字关务的发展趋势与挑战,以及如何通过数字化和智能化技术赋能关务领域,推动相关各行业的快速发展。 在“关务数字化建设”专题论坛上,宏桥高科副总裁欧廷如先生紧扣贸易高质量发展主题,结合宏桥高科在数字关务领域多年的技术积累和行业经验,对当前全球关务数字化进程所面临的挑战及应对之策进行了详细分析和深入阐述。 宏桥高科副总裁 欧廷如先生 欧总表示,我们应该从全球化视角出发,通过数字化应用实现企业与海关的广泛联通,并实现企业内外部的实时协同。此外,还应建立一体合规的供应链体系管理,实现多业务、多场景、多区域的数据联动,并基于贸易全过程可视化打造贸易全球眼。欧总指出,面对数字化时代的挑战,我们需要不断创新思维、优化方案,以实现贸易高质量发展为目标,振长策而御宇内、共同推动全球关务数字化进程。 下一步,宏桥高科将进一步加大数字关务领域的应用深度和广度,不断以更具有创新性和实用性的产品和服务满足广大客户与合作伙伴的业务发展需求,帮助更多的客户、合作伙伴持续拓展国际市场,为全球贸易的数字化发展做出贡献。 宏桥高科 宏桥高科技集团有限公司是纳斯达克主板上市的创新型科技公司,股票代码PBTS。宏桥高科长期为政府机构和企业客户提供涵盖智慧海关、智慧口岸、跨
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS

      Powerbridge Technologies Expands Global Trade Digital Platform Services Across Asia and Europe

      ZHUHAI, China, September 21, 2023 / PRNewswire/ - Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: PBTS) ("Powerbridge") is pleased to announce a significant step in its global expansion efforts through a strategic partnership with a prominent global smartphone provider (the "Client"). This collaboration underscores Powerbridge's commitment to enhancing its global reach and services, potentially offering growth opportunities for all stakeholders.   In line with its mission to facilitate digital transformation for international enterprises, Powerbridge will collaborate with the Client to optimize their global supply chain and compliance operations across Asia and Europe. This partnership reflects the trust that leading industry players have in Powerbridge's capabilities.   Powerbridge'
      Powerbridge Technologies Expands Global Trade Digital Platform Services Across Asia and Europe
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS

      Powerbridge Subsidiary AleduPartners With Client To Integrate AI-Engineered Reading App Leveraging AI AndChatGPT

      ZHUHAI, China, July 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Powerbridge Technologies (Nasdaq: PBTS), a leading provider of multi-industry technology solutions, announce today that its subsidiary, Ascendent Insight Education Co., Ltd. (“AIedu”) has formed a strategic partnership with a prominent player in the education industry to drive innovation in AI education. This partnership aims to leverage the partner company's extensive user base and market presence to accelerate the adoption of AIedu's flagship product, the Little Egg App. The partner company has secured significant funding from renowned investors such as Qualcomm China, Zhen Fund, and New Oriental. Their market reach and financial backing bring added strength to the partnership with AIedu. With a nationwide coverage in China, the partner company serv
      Powerbridge Subsidiary AleduPartners With Client To Integrate AI-Engineered Reading App Leveraging AI AndChatGPT
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS

      Powerbridge Technologies Announces Strategic Joint Venture to Drive Digital Financial Innovation for Agriculture and Livestock Industries

      ZHUHAI, China, July 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Powerbridge Technologies, a provider of multi-industry technology solutions (Nasdaq: PBTS), has announced a strategic joint venture to establish Agro Digital Fintech Co., Ltd. (“Agro Digital or the Company”), a fintech and asset digitization company focused on the agriculture and livestock farming industries. The Company aims to create a robust digital financial ecosystem that drives value creation and leverages China's Rural Revitalization Initiative ("the Initiative"). The Initiative is a long-term development plan aimed at promoting economic growth, improving living standards, and addressing the challenges faced by rural areas in the country, including poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, agricultural modernization, rural entrepren
      Powerbridge Technologies Announces Strategic Joint Venture to Drive Digital Financial Innovation for Agriculture and Livestock Industries
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS


      宏桥高科:以创新科技助力“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”,构建贸易高质量发展的“宏桥” 为构建互利共赢、贸易畅通、相互促进、自我优化螺旋上升的国际贸易生态环境,推动贸易高质量发展,由广东省商务厅、广东省贸促会指导,广东进出口商会主办,深圳市天地纵横产业研究有限公司、深圳市天地纵横企业管理顾问有限公司承办,宏桥高科技集团有限公司总赞助的“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”于2023年5月18日在深圳举办。 宏桥高科:以创新科技助力“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”,构建贸易高质量发展的“宏桥” 宏桥高科:以创新科技助力“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”,构建贸易高质量发展的“宏桥” 宏桥高科:以创新科技助力“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”,构建贸易高质量发展的“宏桥” 宏桥高科:以创新科技助力“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”,构建贸易高质量发展的“宏桥” 宏桥高科:以创新科技助力“贸易高质量发展峰会暨第二届粤港澳大湾区AEO企业发展大会”,构建贸易高质量发展的“宏桥” 作为国内首个以AEO为主题、由AEO市场主体为主角参与的峰会,紧密围绕“共建生态,赋能发展”的核心理念,邀请知名博导教授、行业专家、一线大咖进行多视角、多维度的精彩分享,力求引领行业新跨越,加速AEO高信用生态环境构建,助力AEO企业能力提升,推动贸易高质量发展;同时公布了中国AEO最佳实践评选结果(第一批)。 在会上,宏桥高科总裁许嘉毓女士作为总赞助商代表致欢迎词。许总表示,今年是落实党的20大精神开局之年,我们同时也迎来了新冠疫情之后世界经济转向复苏的重要契机。大会在这个重要节点上隆重召开,奏响了我们深刻把握贸易高质量发展根本要求,寻找着力推动质量变
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS

      Powerbridge Technologies Announces Measures to Maintain Nasdaq Listing Status, Drive Growth Potential, and Enhance Future Acquisition Opportunities

      ZHUHAI, China, May 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: PBTS) (the "Company", “Powerbridge”, or "PBTS"), a provider of multi-industry technology solutions, is pleased to announce upcoming measures to maintain continued listing status on the Nasdaq exchange, supporting the Company’s long-term growth strategy and bolstering its access to favorable positioning in current and upcoming acquisition negotiations. “We continue to prioritize the financial interests of our entire shareholder base above all other concerns,” commented Powerbridge CEO, Mr. Stewart Lor. “We are confident that maintaining our uninterrupted status as a Nasdaq-listed stock is our most effective path to achieving both our near-term growth objectives and our long-term vision as an emerging glo
      Powerbridge Technologies Announces Measures to Maintain Nasdaq Listing Status, Drive Growth Potential, and Enhance Future Acquisition Opportunities
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS

      Powerbridge Technologies Invests in High-Performance Crypto Mining Equipment

      ZHUHAI, China, April 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Powerbridge Technologies, a provider of multi-industry technology solutions (Nasdaq: PBTS), has announced its recent acquisition of 1,200 units of A1346 Avalon Bitcoin Miners. The investment aligns with the Company’s long-term strategy in the crypto market The A1346 Avalon Bitcoin Miners with a hash rate of 104TH/s, are known for their high performance, stability, and ease of use. Stewart Lor, CEO of Powerbridge Technologies, commented: “We believe that this investment will help us expand our presence in the crypto market. As a leading provider of technology solutions, we will continue to explore new opportunities to accelerate our growth and bring values to our shareholders.” About Powerbridge Technologies Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. (N
      Powerbridge Technologies Invests in High-Performance Crypto Mining Equipment
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS

      Powerbridge Technologies Acquires AIedu, Unlocking New Avenues for ChatGPT Applications

      ZHUHAI, China, April 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: PBTS) ("Powerbridge" or the "Company"), a leading provider of multi-industry technology solutions, today announced it has acquired 90% stake of Ascendent Insights Education Co., Ltd. ("AIedu"), an AI education service company. This move is part of Powerbridge's strategy to expand its presence in the education industry and leverage AIedu's expertise to further improve its offerings. The acquisition of AIedu will enable Powerbridge Technologies to integrate ChatGPT into its existing education offerings, one of the key drivers of growth for the Company. ChatGPT is a game-changing product in early childhood education that provides personalized learning experience for students. The integration of ChatGPT in
      Powerbridge Technologies Acquires AIedu, Unlocking New Avenues for ChatGPT Applications
    • 宏桥高科PBTS宏桥高科PBTS
      Exciting news!Powerbridge has acquired 90% stake of AIedu,an AI education company.This acquisition will allow $PBTS to integrate ChatGPT into its education offerings and create new opportunities for growth.#AI #education #ChatGPT #growth #technology https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/powerbridge-technologies-acquires-aiedu-unlocking-new-avenues-for-chatgpt-applications-301789396.html
