
Huat ah!

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      May sound like a broken record by now. Started my investment journey as a student in feb 2021, at the ATH of many hype tickers such as ARK funds etc. It all went downhill from there. Kept averaging down to no avail. I do believe in the innovation and possibility of rebound/recovery so I am still holding on and not panic selling (what a rollercoaster!!!)Lesson learnt. Have to do due diligience and not follow others blindly. Not get tempted by the hype and gravy train when others post their extremely high returns and fomo in. Being more cautious and adopt a more wait and see attitude. Choose more fundamentally sound companies, those that I have some understanding of, or businesses with great potential and future that I can envision. With information and thus conviction, I


      分享2021年投资复盘,有机会赢取iPhone手机、苹果股票、半年度免佣卡,以及虎友们最最最喜欢的限量款台历。2021年,是纷繁复杂的一年,在经历了2020年全球疫情爆发、美股多次熔断之后,2021年,我们再度见证了太多“活久见”:从年初的散户大战华尔街,到中概股暴跌,再到元宇宙异军突起…身处其中的我们,每时每刻都在未知与巨变的冲击中摸索前行。 年末,老虎社区发起《2021投资大复盘》活动,邀请各位虎友分享自己的年度投资总结。在2021年,你做了哪些投资?对自己的投资表现满意吗?对于2022年的行情,你怎么看?你看好哪些投资标的和机会?欢迎虎友们畅所欲言! 【参与方式】 在"2021投资大复盘"主题下发帖,或者题目中包含"2021投资大复盘"等关键字 : 回顾2021年的投资记录,有什么心得感悟? 在2021年,你曾做了哪些"神操作"?得到什么启发? 在2021年,哪次失败的投资令你“痛彻心扉”?总结出哪些教训? 展望2022年,你又希望收获什么? 友情提示:篇幅长的虎友可以在发帖时选择"写长帖",也可以使用老虎社区网页发帖,支持多图及长文格式哦 【活动时间】 即日起至2021年12月31日 【活动奖品】 凡在"2021投资大复盘"主题下发帖或者在本帖参与回复的用户,均可获得66虎币。 一等奖:苹果iPhone 12 Pro Max (1个) 二等奖:1股苹果股票(10个) 三等奖:半年度免佣卡 (20个) 优质奖:月度免佣卡 除此之外,我们还会从参与复盘活动的虎友中随机选出50名征文内容优质的幸运虎友,赠送2022年台历一份。数量有限,先到先得~ 【评奖&奖励发放规则】 客观评分(50%):根据文章的字数、阅读、转发、评论、点赞数量; 主观评分(50%):根据文章质量进行评审打分。 【奖品发放细则】 我们将在活动结束20个工作日内,公
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      A Christmas present from Tiger Brokers

      As the end of the year approaches, many of us will begin our Christmas shopping, assuming we haven't already done enough shopping sprees over the 9.9, 10.10 and 11.11 sale. However, we should also not forget to save a little and put it into our investment portfolio given that investing has the ability to perform its magic of compounding and delivering long term returns. One fund we think investors can look into is the $Fidelity Global Multi Asset Income A-MINCOME(G)-SGD(LU1084809471.SGD)$ fund and here’s why.Instead of holding cash, why not collect dividends and enjoy capital appreciation?Lately, both the fixed income and equity market has been volatile as inflationary fears rise. Investing in such market cond
      A Christmas present from Tiger Brokers
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      AMD will definitely continue to break new highs. Still has great potential to grow by eating Intel's market share due to its technical superiority. There is also the synergy and increase in scale (server/enterprise for eg) from impending acquisition of Xilinx which has also been posting great performance/earnings. Very bullish on AMD


      得益于财报大超预期,$AMD(AMD)$ 一尘崛起,股价六连阳: 据了解,面对主要竞争对手英特尔,AMD专注于产品设计与研发,选择用外包的方式,把代工交给$台积电(TSM)$ 。 这样强强联手的结果,使得AMD的产品优势逐渐突出,斩获了更高的市场占有率。 更令资本市场青睐AMD的原因,还有: 面对AMD的强势来袭,英特尔却宣布将主要精力放在芯片制造领域,似乎有种 “抵挡不了AMD的赶超,干脆放弃” 的感觉。 于是,在多重因素下,AMD的股价腾飞了! 有投资者认为,AMD已经从一名跟着随着逆袭成为了领跑者,未来的市值极有可能赶超英特尔。 目前,AMD市值1441亿美元,距离$英特尔(INTC)$ 2187亿美元的市值,仍有50%的上涨空间。 …… 最后,大家聊一聊: 你是否看好AMD? 你认为AMD的市值能超越英特尔吗? 精彩留言用户可获得888社区积分噢!
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      Obviously lost money all the way for the entire 1st half of 2021. Underperformed the index. Started out with ARK funds and other speculative positions at their peak in Feb before sector rotation and bond yield fears. That was quite a trial of fire for a newbie for me. I held most of my promising speculative plays throughout and intend to continue to do so.My most disappointing (realised losses) plays are $SOS Limited(SOS)$ and  $Revolution Acceleration Acquisition Corp(RAAC)$. Bought it to the hype, did not do my own due diligience and entered blindly. Its an enlightening lesson for me. Better to lose some money now then to lose much much more in future. Even though my portfolio has neve


      2021半年度复盘活动正在进行中,小虎君从上周参与复盘的虎友们选出了10篇优质内容,下面就让我们一起来欣赏一下,看看都有哪些虎友带来了走心的投资故事? 港美股打新上半年总结,超80%胜率心得分享 @贱贱的理财笔记 简单写了一下自己半年的打新情况,整体来看美股81.82%,港股80%的胜率也还算可以,现在整体环境可能比之前要差一些。对于普通打新人而言,把目光放长远,不用想着每个股都能判断正确,都能中签,还是要敬畏市场,多学习多研究,力求在保住本金的基础上去放大收益,稳健的打法才能让我们走得更远,有些新股错过了就错过了,更应着眼于自己选择的那部分新股。对自己的选择有信心,对自己的选择不后悔,对自己的选择负责任。 【2021上半年投资总结】心态变好了,是我最大的收获 @Lady_Susu 每天叫醒我的不是理想,也不是梦想,而是中签的钱哗啦哗啦的声音,悦耳又动听…本来不想参加复盘的,毕竟成绩太差。但是这周不知道踩了什么狗屎运,A股竟然连续中了两签!!!所以我来了,
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      $Proterra Inc.(PTRA)$what happen???
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      like and comment pls
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      Obviously lost money all the way for the entire 1st half of 2021. Underperformed the index. Started out with ARK funds and other speculative positions at their peak in Feb before sector rotation and bond yield fears. That was quite a trial of fire for a newbie for me. I held most of my promising speculative plays throughout and intend to continue to do so. I believe in technology and innovation. It is picking up again. There will always be ups and downs. Invest in the future.My most disappointing plays are $SOS Limited(SOS)$and $Revolution Acceleration Acquisition Corp(RAAC)$. Bought it to the hype, did not do my own due diligience and entered blindly. Its an enlightening lesson for me.


      写复盘,赢大礼,你交易,我买单! 投资的过程和操作其实是一个很简单的事情,一买一卖就完成了一笔交易,但是要理解这个过程却非常的复杂,涉及宏观,行业,公司基本面等方方面面。投资过程的简单,是一种形的简单。学习就是将简单的问题复杂化之后,抽丝剥茧再让其简单化。而复盘正是学习的环节中必不可少的一部分。 上半年已悄然走过,你的成绩如何?对自己的投资表现满意吗?投资需要不断地总结,才能不断地进步!对于上半年的投资,你觉得哪些方面需要继续保持,又有哪些方面需要总结和提高?对于下半年的行情,你怎么看?你看好哪些投资标的和投资机会?欢迎虎友们畅所欲言! 【参与方式】 在“2021上半年投资大复盘”主题下发帖,或者题目中包含“2021上半年投资大复盘”等关键字 。写什么?虎友们可以自由发挥! (2021上半年关于投资的一切总结内容都可以写),如果没有思路,也可以参考以下模板: 2021上半年,你的收益率是多少?是否跑赢大盘,是否达到你的目标 2021上半年,你曾做了哪些“神操作”?得到什么启发? 2021上半年,哪次失败的投资让你记忆犹新?为什么? 2021年下半年,有哪些投资计划和展望? 友情提示:篇幅长的虎友可以在发帖时选择“写长帖’也可以使用老虎社区网页发帖可支持多图及长文格式哦 【活动时间】 即日起至7月30日 【活动奖品】 一等奖:你下半年的佣金我全包了 二等奖:你季度的佣金我全包了 三等奖:你这个月的佣金我全包了 参与奖:也可称为阳光普照奖,凡在“2021上半年投资大复盘”主题下发帖或者在本帖参与回复的用户,均可获得66虎币。 【奖品发放细则】 我们将在活动结束10个工作日内,公布中奖用户名单,并在公布获奖名单一周内为大家派发免佣卡。免佣卡可免除美港股股票,ETF交易中老虎证券应收的交易佣金,单笔免佣上限15美元或等值港币。 一等奖为180天免佣卡,
