
    • mstermster
      ·03-12 22:36
      I opened $QQQ 20250312 489.0 CALL$  ,Returned to selling daily option with 0DTE on QQQ. Selling covered call against my underlying as the market opens green while reacting well to the CPI reports. However think the fear of a recession ahead is far from being forgotten, thus market will still be treading with caution and the bullishness May be suppressed.  $QQQ 20250312 489.0 CALL$ 
    • mstermster
      ·03-12 10:06
      I opened $RGTI 20250321 10.5 CALL$  ,Takibg advantage of the market Seeing green today to sell some cover calls. RGTI after reporting earning did went up to $9. Queued to get in on a covered call then, but didn't get filled. A week on, the stock has retreated along with the broader market.  Selling short term call to mitigate the volatility more room for adjustment along the way.  Just need to tread the Market accordingly to event and news for short term trades, as technical seems to be overrides for now.  $RGTI 20250321 10.5 CALL$ 
    • mstermster
      ·03-12 09:16
      I opened $APP 20250321 360.0 CALL$  ,Sold first Cover call option on this underlying of AAP after taking early assignment yesterday. High IV on this counter manage to collect decent premium even though the strike is quite far out. Now, just have to sit out till market recovers. $APP 20250321 360.0 CALL$ 
    • mstermster
      ·03-12 08:57
      I closed $APP 20250314 370.0 PUT$  ,This Cash Secured Put went deep in the money when the market started the downturn. Had already rolled it out and down once, but when it's too deep in the money it's difficult to roll as the volume with this ticker is also quit thin. Have been trying to roll this with no avail since last week before it's expiration date this coming Friday. However the early assignment beat me to it. Taken assignments of it.. now, will start to sell covered call option to take in some profits while waiting for this counter to recover. Good thing is AAPL has got a high IV so even though the strike is far out, still collect a decent amount of premium. $
    • mstermster
      ·03-12 08:47
      I closed $PLTR 20250321 60.0 PUT$  ,Just like the other put option contract on NVDA, decided to close this contract that was opened yesterday to take profits. Will stay with this approach of gettin in and out of a contract within a day or 2 whenever they yield $PLTR 20250321 60.0 PUT$ 30-50%    Keep adjusting to market conditions, to stay afloat. 🤞
    • mstermster
      ·03-12 08:41
      I closed $NVDA 20250321 92.0 PUT$  ,Decided to take trade approach on the put that was opened yesterday. $NVDA 20250321 92.0 PUT$ taking profits with the day or 2 whenever they turns profitable. the market seems too volatile to predict where It is heading, as most support levels have been breached, while on technical many stocks supposed to have rebounded, but the trade war is nowhere near a resolution. 
    • mstermster
      Yeah, ‘Stall’ is the word. Not hoping for a reverse back up, but at least not free falling.
    • mstermster
      I opened $NVDA 20250321 92.0 PUT$  ,Opened a put position earlier when NVDA was pulling back along with the broader market. It's really hard to decide to get in the market at this point, while the saying goes : Be greedy when the market is fearful...  been greedy for awhile now, but the fearfulness has not ended yet.. 😵‍💫$NVDA 20250321 92.0 PUT$ 
    • mstermster
      I opened $PLTR 20250321 60.0 PUT$  ,Opened a put on PLTR as it pulls back over 7% today along with the broader market. $PLTR 20250321 60.0 PUT$  This strike is about 50% down from its high. let's see we'll get there in 2 weeks time. 
    • mstermster
      I closed $PLTR 20250307 81.0 PUT$  ,Couple of put positions of different counters have expired worthless, most are close to the money at expiration, these contracts have the strike place near or at support level. These were supposedly levels where am happy to take assignment of if the share prices were to dip slightly below my strike at expiration.  Now, question is if the market has near its bottom or will there be heading further down, while it's difficult to predict the bottom, it is too annoying to own these shares just to realize they continues dip right after taking assignments.  Or what is worse, the market reverse back up and the support level you have identified has not been fill, leaving you
