I hold both NFLX and DIS shares however DIS has proven to be a major disappointment so far. I will hold both for a few more months but if DIS doesn’t start performing the way NFLX has I am selling DIS to buy more NFLX. Some like to say competition is intensify for NFLX, however that has failed to impact their earnings as well as erode management effectiveness, aka return on assets, return on equity, and return on invested capital. Those have continued to increase despite the competition, which tells me NFLX still has a competitive advantage. As long as
they continue to churn out blockbusters like The Queen’s Gambit and Squid Game the competition will be playing catch up. In addition to that, NFLX and DIS have different target markets with their shows so it’s not exactly an apples to apples comparison. I know there are people out there that use Peacock, I have yet to meet them though. Lifting the hood one can tell NFLX is really not in any serious trouble. Fundamentally the stock is growth at a reasonable price and cash flow is increasing by the quarter. When the engine begins to sputter I’ll concede the bear case, but right now it is firing on all cylinders.
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