Announcing Sep Dividend Distribution for High Dividend Yield ETF Line-up
【For Hong Kong Investors Only】 Global X Hang Seng High Dividend Yield ETF (3110) $GX恒生高股息率(03110)$ and Global X Asia Pacific High Dividend ETF (3116) $GX亚太高股息率(03116)$ have announced their September dividend distributions. The annualized dividend yield for 3110 is 7.22%. Apart from its high-yielding characteristic, 3110 is also the largest high dividend ETF in Hong Kong in terms of AUM. (Dividend rate is not guaranteed and may be distributed from capital#) Details of Sep distribution for 3110 and 3116 3110: Dividend of HKD 1.36 per share, with an annualized dividend yield of 7.22%* (Dividend distribution is not guaranteed and may be distributed from capital#) 3116: Dividend of HKD 1.10 per share, with an annu